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Board of Directors

Theresa Andreuccetti
Rachel Casebolt
Philip Casebolt
Sharon Fair
Alicia Kunert
Joel Kunert
Gail McKenzie
Douglas Miller
Nancy L. Smith

Our Mission

To protect Greers Ferry Lake for present and future generations.

Save Greers Ferry Lake, Inc., was incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in April of 2000 to preserve the natural shoreline and clean water of Greers Ferry Lake through public education and collaborative efforts.  Increased recreational and drinking water demands on this extraordinary resource created a need for public action to support the future protection of the lake.

Greers Ferry Lake is one of the most pristine lakes in the United States; an incredibly beautiful reservoir formed by Greers Ferry Dam, a United States Army Corps of Engineers dam. The reservoir consists of two major sections of the lake connected by a water-filled gorge called the Narrows. The total water area is about 40,500 acres with a combined shoreline of just over 340 miles.  Greers Ferry Lake is located in Northern Arkansas about 60 miles north of Little Rock.