Board of Directors
Theresa Andreuccetti
Laine Argo
Rachel Casebolt
Philip Casebolt
Jaime Dunn
Sharon Fair
Dr. Jane E. Hayden
Nancy L. Smith
Lend Your Voice
Contact these agencies to remind them how much you value Greers Ferry Lake
Environmental Contacts
US Army Corps of Engineers
AR Oil and Gas Commission
AR Dept of Environmental Quality
Government Contacts
Arkansas Senate
Arkansas House
Arkansas Governor
Media Contacts
AR Democrat Gazette
The Sun Times
Fairfield Bay News
The Arkansas Times
Memphis Commercial Appeal
The Daily Citizen
Log Cabin Democrat
Batesville Daily Guard
Jonesboro Sun
Van Buren Democrat
Our Mission
To protect Greers Ferry Lake for present and future generations.
Please express your concern to protect ERWs at the public hearing to be held on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at 6 p.m., at Southside High School, 334 South Side Road, Bee Branch, Arkansas 72013.
A request to Arkansas Dept of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for permit to discharge recycled fracwater into an Extraordinary Resource Waterbody (ERW) near Bee Branch has been made by Flywheel Energy Production, LLC. The ERW designation was not noted in the public notice for Discharge Permit Number AR0052086. The discharge would be from a fracwater (used drilling water) recycling facility near Bee Branch.
Recycling fracwater for reuse in gas well drilling could save millions of gallons of fresh water from being contaminated by unknown drilling chemical additives and pollutants absorbed from underground. Reusing fracwater could greatly reduce the amount of additional fresh water needed. This would have been considerable economic and water savings during the peak of the fracing operations. To date, none of the three permitted recycling facilities have been built.
Read more: Threat to Discharge into an Extraordinary Resource Waterbody
Save Greers Ferry Lake, Inc is so very proud and honored
Mr. William 'Carl' Garner served as a Director for our organization
Carl Garner (born William Garner, 1915) was raised on a farm near Sulphur Rock, Arkansas. Carl Garner began his career with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers on June 16, 1938, following his graduation from Arkansas College ( now Lyon College ). His early career placed him at Bull Shoals Lake in northern Arkansas. On March 15, 1959, he was assigned to the new project at Greers Ferry Lake as a supervisor for Construction Management Engineering.
Dear Friend,
Spring has seen the progressive blooming of first daffodils, next azaleas, dogwoods, and then the dreaded pine pollen!! Soon Summer will be upon us and we can only hope that the temperatures will be within normal limits. As Summer returns, an SGFL newsletter is also coming your way to give you an update on conditions affecting Greers Ferry Lake. Fortunately there have been no major challenges to the lake’s clean water and natural shoreline recently.
A Greers Ferry Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is in the works by the Corps of Engineers. While no details are currently available, it is hoped that there will be no negative effects to the lake and shoreline. A new SMP planned for Table Rock Lake has not yet been implemented. Dock permits are one topic being considered, but rezoning is not likely to be involved.
May 13, 2016 - Five board members of Save Greers Ferry Lake, Inc. attended the Lonoke White Public Water Authority Open House on the south shore of Greers Ferry Lake. Numerous speakers, lunch and guided tours of the Water Plant and Intake Facility were provided.
Save Greers Ferry Lake and Lonoke White PWA worked extensively together in an effort to mitigate the environmental impact on the site and beautiful Greers Ferry Lake.
Today Lonoke White PWA provides clean water to nine water districts in central Arkansas while having a very limited impact on the Lake!
Dear Friend,
The Greers Ferry Lake area has survived perhaps the area’s coldest and most wintry season of the last twenty years. The several snows and ice storms were not enough to cause significant changes in lake level, but were responsible for more than usual school, business and road closings. Painting and maintenance on the Narrows Bridge was accomplished at intervals between hazardous weather delays.
THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY of Greers Ferry Lake and Dam Dedication was celebrated on October 3, 2013. Featured speakers at the ceremony were former President Bill Clinton and Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe. Carl Garner was recognized for his many years of service and stewardship as Chief Engineer of the project. Save Greers Ferry Lake, Inc provided one of several booths highlighting the benefits and beauty of the lake and area. SGFL, Inc also sponsored an essay contest to increase awareness of the importance of Greers Ferry Lake. The published student essays seemed to show greater awareness and appreciation of the value of Greers Ferry Lake than some of the agencies responsible for its protection.