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Board of Directors

Theresa Andreuccetti
Laine Argo
Rachel Casebolt
Philip Casebolt
Jaime Dunn
Sharon Fair
Dr. Jane E. Hayden
Nancy L. Smith

Our Mission

To protect Greers Ferry Lake for present and future generations.

May 13, 2016 - Five board members of Save Greers Ferry Lake, Inc. attended the Lonoke White Public Water Authority Open House on the south shore of Greers Ferry Lake. Numerous speakers, lunch and guided tours of the Water Plant and Intake Facility were provided.

Save Greers Ferry Lake and Lonoke White PWA worked extensively together in an effort to mitigate the environmental impact on the site and beautiful Greers Ferry Lake.

Today Lonoke White PWA provides clean water to nine water districts in central Arkansas while having a very limited impact on the Lake!